Friday, October 29, 2010

The third is a bunch of six is starting with Sama.

So the immediate question is what are the six bunched together? They are as follows: sama, dama, renunciation, endurance, samadhana, and sradhdha.
Sama is -Tranquility (control of the mind), Dama is (control of the senses), Uparati (renunciation of activities that are not duties), Titiksha (endurance), Samadhana (perfect concentration), Shraddha (faith).

The first is sama. That means control of the mind. Actually it is the mind that is causing us a lot of problems.If you don't control it runs around. It goes back from 40 - 50 years and brings back the same undesirable emotions of things that happen long back. As a result we get angry sad and depressed. It might also make to think of what can happen in the future and make you anxious about it. The past is gone and the future is not yet here! if we can get some lesson out of the past it is worth remembering it. otherwise it is of no use! Similarly the future is something that is uncertain and so many other things might happen in a different manner. It is futile to plan in too much detail.

The mind keeps telling you the you need this and that. If you yield and provide it what it desired, it is not happy to leave you alone. It comes up with the next demand. It's near impossible to provide everything that it is asking for. Therefore we need to keep a check on this and tell the mind that it should keep quiet. This is what is called sama.

The next is dama. This is the control of the five senses. The five senses being the apparatus to seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. All these must come under our control. I do not mean to say that these must be completely done away with. On the other hand, this must come under our control. Meaning, we should not be going where they drag us to, but they must be under the check half of intellect. You might ask whether they are really under our control. The are.
We might be seeing a movie in the cinema theater. There is an interesting scene going on. At that time somebody comes in and sits beside us. After some time, we realise that it is one dearest friend. We never realised that before because the attentions were elsewhere. We also did not realise that the person on the left had got up and gone away. It is not that we did not see this thing is. It's just that our mind was not in it.
Of course, we are all familiar about the classes that we attended. The teacher was trying to get something into our thick heads, but we're thinking about which movie theater was preferable. It is only when our neighbor give us a kick, we realise that the teacher was asking us a question. Again, it is not that we did not hear it but we were not attentive.
In a Hindu concept. The senses don't work one way. When we see, something from us as to reach the object and come back to us. And only that will be perceived. Similarly, something from us is to reach the source of song and come back to us. This only than we hear. Therefore the senses of certainly under our control, but we don't exercise that.

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